Special stripping pliers particularly suitable for oblong heating cables with two conductors.
The stripping and stripping of these oblong conductors is a long and difficult operation, causing a lot of waste. We have specially developed these tools in order to reduce waste and considerably reduce installation times.
Main features
There are a whole series of models in various sizes of heating cables. These cables can have up to 4 different layers made of several materials. For more information, see the technical introduction to this catalog which describes them. These layers can be made of different materials, more or less flexible, the most rigid and difficult to remove being that of carbon filled polyethylene core used in the low and medium temperature self-regulating cables.
Jaws: They exist in two configurations.
- Bus wire stripping jaws. They are differentiated by the spacing of the conductors and their diameter. In the case of self-regulating cables with carbon filled polyethylene, we recommend stripping the wires one by one. Softening the polyethylene core with a lighter or heat gun may be necessary in some cases.
- Protective jackets removal jaws: They are defined by the external dimension of the cable after jacket removal.
These jaws have a cutting depth adjustment to avoid to cut the braid
Production of special clamps: Possible on request, send us cable samples
Each plier is shipped in a plastic professional case with a set of 6 jaws described below. Selected jaws numbers must be provided with order