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Heating Equipment : Jacket Heaters
Type 9V2E
Type 9V2E
Insulation pedestals (without heating)
Heating Equipment
Jacket Heaters
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Main Features
These insulating pedestals make it possible to limit the heat losses of the containers to the outside as much as possible, and thus either to reduce the power required to protect them against frost or to heat them with an equal power and significantly reduce the heating time required for reach the desired temperature.

They feature a rigid stainless steel structure, designed to support the weight of the container and the same insulating foam as the jacket heaters. They are made in 20mm insulation thickness, excepted for the 1000L IBC, made in 40mm. Insulation foam is not protected by fabric and is easily replacable.

The insulating bases for the 1000 liters IBC comprise a flexible scarf intended to cover the pallet sides or the perforated metal structure of the lower part of these containers, in order to limit as much as possible the heat losses at this level. The insulating bases of diameter 460mm and more and those of 1000 liters IBC can be split into 4 parts to facilitate their transport.