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Controls and Safety : Fire and Damper Mechanisms
Controls and Safety
Fire and Damper Mechanisms
Type 5EQ, 5EW, 5EK,5EO
Fast triggering eutectic alloys fusible links
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Type 5EE, 5EJ, 5EN, 5EA
Eutectic alloys fusible links for medium loads
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Type 5EP, 5ES, 5ED, 5EH
Copper fusible links with eutectic alloys, for medium loads
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Type 5EY, 5ET, 5EV, 5EX
Eutectic alloys fusible links, for direct handling of heavy loads
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Type 5E2, 5E3, 5E4,5E5, 5E6
Miniature eutectic alloy fusible links for large or very large series applications
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Type 5516, 5518, 5525, 5540
Multiplied action mechanisms for eutectic fusible links, for application in smoke outlets
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Type 5420A
Multiplied action mechanisms with thermal glass bulbs, for application in smoke outlets
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Type 58L
Breakable glass bulb fire detection link, miniature type
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Type 58Z
High load breakable glass bulb heat responsive link for heavy loads
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Type 52A
Thermal actuators with pulling action, for fire dampers, operated by eutectic fusible link
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Type 52B
Thermal actuators with pushing action, for fire dampers, operated by eutectic fusible link
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Type 51A
Thermal actuators with pulling action, for fire dampers, operated by thermal bulb
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Type 51B
Thermal actuators with pushing action, for fire dampers, operated by thermal glass bulb
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Type 53A25
Miniature electric fire detection switches with thermal glass bulb
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Type 59A7, 59B7
Electric fire detection switches with thermal glass bulb or fusible link, wall mounting
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Type 59A8
Electric fire detection switches with thermal glass bulb for air duct
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